- Gwanak Residence Halls
- Family Housing (Gwanak Residence Halls)
- Faculty Apartment
- BK International House at Seoul National University
Gwanak Residence Halls
About Gwanak Residence Hall
Living in Gwanak Residence Halls have numerous benefits. Located within Gwanak campus of Seoul National University right inside of the rear gate, Gwanak Residence Halls are the closest residence option to other campus facilities. Dormitory is also inexpensive and affordable compared to off-campus residence options. Please refer to the Gwanak Residence Halls homepage (http://snudorm.snu.ac.kr) for more information about deposit and rent. The application period is in early December for those coming in for spring semester, and early July for those coming in for fall semester.
The Gwanak Residence Halls have a total of 27 Dongs (wings) and can accept 5,970 people. The Gwanak Residence Halls are a home for SNU students coming from regional areas. It is a place where everyone can study diligently, rest comfortably, and meet all kinds of friends with a diverse range of experiences and opinions. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to apply if they meet the following requirements. Applicants must be students who are already enrolled or are planning to enroll.
- Application : https://snudorm.snu.ac.kr/en/
- Contact Information : +82-2-881-9200 (Gwanak Residence Halls)
Admission Qualification
People who will be starting university life at SNU Gwanak Campus, and already enrolled students (undergraduate, graduate) are eligible to enter the residence halls. The following conditions have to be satisfied.
2. No record of student residence hall disciplinary action (restriction on occupancy eligibility) and eviction due to maladjustment
3. Final findings of medical examination (must include chest X-ray) being normal (contagious disease patients and carriers (tuberculosis, etc.) are restricted)
4. Has a record of receiving a total of 2 measles vaccinations, or positive test result of measles antibody
Admission Application Process
Admission into the Gwanak Residence Halls is conducted once a year in principle. Applications can be done online through the Gwanak Residence Halls homepage (http://snudorm.snu.ac.kr) or the SNU portal mySNU.
Undergraduates are accepted so that the ratio between the incoming freshmen students and enrolled students is 50:50. Graduate students are accepted without such classification. For admission decision, incoming freshmen are selected wholly by the Gwanak Residence Halls where the applicants are given 60 points for income quartile and 40 points for region. Enrolled student applicants are given 60 points for income quartile, 20 points for region, and 20 points for grades. 80% of the quota is selected by the Gwanak Residence Halls while 20% is selected by each college. Applicants on the waiting list are accepted in the order they were added when there is a vacancy. The income quartile criteria is given by the Korea Student Aid Foundation so make sure to apply in advance and not be put at a disadvantage.
Required Documents
Students who fail to complete enrollment procedure – documents (medical certificate & copy of the passport) submission & fee payment – within the registration period will be considered to have given up the registration and your reserved room will be handed over to the next candidates automatically. The following are the lists of documents required from each applicant.
- Copy of passport
- Medical certificate*
- Copy of passport
- Medical certificate*
- Confirmation from the professor
How to check application status
In order to find out whether you got in to the dormitory and which room you are assigned to, you must go online on mySNU to check your application status.
After signing in to mySNU, click on the ‘Dormitory’ tab under ‘Academic Affairs’. And click on ‘Application Status’ in the left menu.
How to pay dormitory fee and deposit
If you were accepted and have chosen to live in the dormitory, you must pay dormitory fee and security deposit. The fees vary depending on the building and room type. Refer to the table in the link above to check the exact fees for different buildings and room types. Undergraduate dormitories require payment per semester while graduate dormitories require monthly payment.
For graduate students, the money will be withdrawn automatically from your CMS account on the 2nd day of each month. Please set up for the auto pay, or cash management system (CMS) from the bank prior to moving-in. CMS will be applied from April to February of the following year. Current residents don’t need to reapply for CMS service. Please refer to the diagram in the link above to see how CMS automatic withdrawal works.
The security deposit is ₩ 100,000 for undergraduate students and additional one month’s fee for graduate students. Deposits will be refunded within 2 weeks after you have moved out, only when the room is maintained in good condition. Damage to facilities or unauthorized move-out will cause deduction of deposit.
For those who got accepted from the waitlist, the fee varies depending on the date you are moving in. Please check the table in the link above to find out exact amount of fee you need to pay.
Monthly Maintenance Fee Payment through CMS Application
Upon acceptance, you will pay twice the monthly maintenance fee rent (monthly fee for September + refundable deposit) to complete the registration. From the following month (October), the fee payment is to be processed on every 2nd day of the month through the Cash Management Service (CMS) banking system; if the balance in your account is insufficient, payment will be processed on the coming 15th. If the payment fails for three times, residents are to be evicted immediately.
Upon move-in, the dorm office will inform you of the CMS application procedure and deadline, and all willing residents must complete it.
CMS allows an automatic payment of a certain amount on a regular schedule, which is commonly used in Korea to pay for the utility bill or monthly rent. This way, you won’t have to visit the bank or ATM each time you are required to pay the rent.
You must visit a bank to apply for CMS on your personal Korean bank account, but it requires you to present the alien registration card. Therefore, it is important that dormitory residents apply for alien registration as soon as possible.
RA Office at your residential building
Gwanaksa Administrative Office (Bldg. 900, B1F)
Office Hour: 9 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday
Planning Your Move-Out
Move-out application is submitted online through mySNU. You must submit the application at least two weeks before the date you plan on moving out. Once you submit the application online, your RA will perform a cleaning inspection of your room to make sure it is in good condition and authorize your move-out. Please note that unauthorized move out will result in 10 demerit points, which means you will not receive your security deposit back and you will not be able to apply to SNU dormitory for the next 2 years.
Visit my.snu.ac.kr → Academic Affairs → Dormitory → Gwanak Residence Halls → Apply to move out → Apply and then follow the procedure
- If you stay during the winter and summer breaks, the residence time (68-70 days) refund will be divided into 4 parts: 1/4 (70%), 2/4 (50%), 3/4 (25%), 4/4 (none).
- If you waive your residency 7 days before entering the dorm, you will receive 90% of the payment as a refund.
- Refund will be processed within 2 weeks on the condition of a well-managed room.
Temporary Leave Application (Graduate Students only)
As a graduate student, your residency at your room is guaranteed for a year. If you plan to leave Korea and visit your country during the break, you can apply for a temporary leave. If you decide to take a temporary leave from your room, you do not have to pay the fees for the months you are absent from Gwanak Residence Halls. In this case, you must take out your belongings and completely empty your room. Gwanak Residence Halls may rent your room to outside visitors during your absence. You will be guaranteed to have your room back in clean condition when you come back for the next semester.
Internet Connection in Residence Halls
Available Networks
Gwanak Residence Halls offer students a wide range of Wi-Fi networks.
SNU Wireless
SNU Wireless is free of charge and available to every student and faculty member on campus. To connect, you will need your SNU ID and password.
Switch on Wi-Fi Settings and select SNUWireless (Windows, MacOS…) from the available networks. Type in your SNU ID and password, approve the authentication certificate and your set-up is complete.
Family Housing (Gwanak Residence Halls)
Married international graduate degree-seeking students and full-time research students enrolled in SNU can apply for family housing (total capacity: 26 rooms) at Gwanak residence halls. It is located between the Hoam Faculty House and the R&DB Centers. For more information, please refer to the following website: https://snudorm.snu.ac.kr/en/gwanak-residence-hall/family-residence-halls/introduction-of-family-residence-halls/introduction/
- Qualification: Married graduate students and research students (Korean and foreigners)
- Required Documents:
- Residency application form
- Family Relations Certificate (or Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificate)
- Copies of your and your family's passports (1 each, respectively) - Application : http://my.snu.ac.kr/mysnu
- Contact Information : +82-2-881-9160 (Gwanak Residence Halls)
Faculty Apartment
Hoam Faculty House
- Qualification: Professor (tenure-track), Endowed professor
- Maintenance Fee and Deposit: The maintenance fees (charges for electricity, gas and water rates etc.) and deposit are required to pay.
- Contact information: +82-2-880-5072
Siheung Campus Faculty Apartment
- Qualification: Professor (tenure-track), Part-time professor, HK professor, Endowed professor
- Maintenance Fee and Deposit: Please refer to the Siheung campus homepage for more information about monthly fee and deposit.
* A shuttle bus service is available between Gwanak campus and Siheung campus. - Contact Information : +82-2-880-5072 (Office of Student Affairs)
BK International House at Seoul National University
BK International House at SNU is an alternative residence for foreign graduate students, researchers or professors, located just outside of the rear gate of campus. Those eligible among the unsuccessful candidates of Gwanaksa Dormitory are encouraged to apply. The BK residence halls consists of two buildings, 946A(for families) and 946B(studio), which are multi-family apartments that can accommodate 391 households.
Students who wish to apply for a room at BK International House should keep in mind that all applicants are placed on a waiting list, until rooms have been assigned to all international professors and researchers first. Application forms for BK International House are available at each departmental office.

Basic Information
- English: BK International House, Building 946, Seoul National University, San 4-2, Nakseongdae-dong, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Korea 151-818
- Korean: (우) 151-818 서울시 관악구 낙성대동 산4-2 서울대학교 946동 BK국제관
- Management Office is located on the ground floor of Building A.
- Hours: 9:00AM to 5:30PM (Monday-Friday)
- Tel: +82-2-881-9503, 9500, 9892
- Fax: 82-2-881-9893
- Homepage: https://snudorm.snu.ac.kr/en/gwanak-residence-hall/bk-residence-halls/move-in-guide/application/
- Foreign Employees under full-time contract or visitor status
- Foreign Researchers appointed by the Researcher Evaluation Committee
- Foreign Graduate Students partaking in post-graduate research
- Foreign Graduate Students doing coursework
- Domestic Visiting Professors
- Seoul National University staff appointed by the Researcher Evaluation Committee
- Those approved by the BK International House Operations Committee
- Those who have already benefited from residence at faculty/staff apartments (includes Yeon-Gun Campus) or Hoam Faculty Apartment Complex
- Foreign graduate students who already benefited from family house for married students
Required Documents
- Application form
- Copies of official documents (letter of appointment, research student certificate, etc.)
- Copy of alien registration or passport
- Application form
- Copies of official documents
- For non-homeowners: certificate of employment, certified copy of residential registration, certificate of property tax nonpayment (of applicant and spouse)
- For homeowners outside the Seoul City area: certificate of employment, certified copy of residential registration, certificate of property tax payment (of the applicant and spouse)
- Admission may be cancelled if applicants do not provide necessary documents or if the documents submitted are ineligible
Application Procedure
Applicants should complete their online application on mySNU website. For proper completion of the online application, applicants should submit required documents to their college/department. After receiving a check-in notice, applicants should pay the monthly payment along with deposit, conclude a contract, and then check in. The term of residence is between 3 months and 2 years. An extension is possible for a maximum of one additional year. Professors and researchers may extend their term of residence for yet another year, up to a maximum term of three years.
Facility & Billing Information
- Electricity and water utilities are checked on the last day of each month. An engineer in Building A will check your meter and bill you accordingly.
- Telephone bills are managed by Seoul National University’s campus electronic system. A bill will be sent to you according to the information sent by the BK International House.
- Gas supply is managed by the gas company and is not BK’s responsibility. Thus, residents are responsible for checking their gas meter and paying their own gas bill. The meter is located on the balcony and must be checked by the 30th of each month. The number showing on the meter in white with a black background must be recorded on the yellow sticker posted on your front door. (Failure to do so will result in a high bill by the gas company)